Sometimes when I get carried away I forget I should maybe take it back a step or two and start at the beginning…..
Do you know what a tincture is? Why would you use a tincture over tea? What are the benefits?
Let me talk a bit about these questions….. first of all a tincture is an extraction of a herb or plant, the plants medicinal properties are extracted through a strong alcohol. Some plants need a duel extraction which is using water extraction and alcohol extraction as well. We won’t go to much into detail here and I mainly use duel extractions for mushrooms.
So why would we want to use alcohol isn’t it bad for us? When used in this process it is used for alchemy, I don’t know how many of you have heard the term that alcohol can extract our soul when drinking it in excess ( hence blackouts) but same goes for plants. And don’t think of it in a morbid way like we are stealing plant souls ha ha. The plant wants to help heal us, and trust me plants are way smarter and evolved then us humans as far as I am concerned. So the alcohol helps us extract all the goodness within the plants. So to the question about tea verse tinctures…..
While tea is a great way to extract and gain benefits from, plant tinctures are a way more powerful extraction, meaning a more beneficial way to administer the herbal medicines and properties.
My main focus this year has been on tincture blends. I have been listening and paying attention to which plants want to work together and that is where my tincture blends have come into play.

My serenity blend was the first blend I created. I have most of my life suffered from a bit of social anxiety and this blend for me has been a lifesaver. The holy basil works like a charm to nip anxiety

right away no waiting around…. Most of my tincture blends contain three medical plants that work in harmony together. I now have three tincture blends and a immune elixir blend.
Hope that helps clear any confusion about what the heck a tincture is and why you would use it!