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Subtle plant language…. Yes they can talk to us, can you remember?

Divine Fayerie

I know, I know it sounds crazy that we can hear plants….? I remember hearing this years ago from other healers and I couldn’t understand how it was actually possible. So here I am going to share a secret about plant medicine and actually even crystal healing….. biggest secret, it is subtle energy, it whispers……

Our ego is so concentrated on this huge energy to show up with bells and whistles screaming at the top of its lungs. I have had people come into my store and say but I can’t feel crystal energy, of course they can just like everyone can. It’s not a gift, it’s a remembering and a trusting in our own abilities. We are told from a young age that it’s just our imagination, and it’s the deep un conditioning we have to do in our adult years to overcome our fear conditioning done in childhood.

This is an important step, remembering, and as we do the energy gets louder. The more we trust what we are hearing it is hard to not notice. In fact sometimes it is hard for me to turn off. As we open to this secret language we start to notice plants showing up around us, plants keep appearing in front of us, even growing in our yards. These are the plants we are needing to use at the time, this is one way of them communicating with us.

To me this was the same as crystal energy, we are kept being drawn to the same crystals, the same color of crystals. When we start to look into the properties of the plants and crystals a nd even colors our ego can make a connection when we physically read the words and properties in a book. The crystals and plants are then screaming “ saying holy shit they are listening…. Finally” Subtlety our intuition had been nudging us the whole time and surrounding us with the medicine we need at the time. These are very powerful realizations…..

We graciously thank the plants for showing up to help, their beauty and abundance always leading the way. When we slow down, trust and really pay attention there is some pretty incredible energies around us just waiting for us to remember this subtle communication…..after all isn’t most modern medicine just a copy of plants? Why not remember, listen and connect to the real thing?

So go outside, as you walk through the forest, sit in your yard, watch what plants are trying to communicate with you. These are the plants that have been waiting to help heal!

Love & Light

Divine Fayerie

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