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Let Talk Psychedelics….Are You Actually Doing The Work Thou?

Divine Fayerie

So this blog post is gunna be real and raw none of this fluffy new age spiritual bullshit…. Like I ever go down that road anyway but ya you know what I mean.

So let’s talk healing, we all have past pain, we all have traumas from childhood and beyond, maybe even past life. Majority of us drown this with substances so we don’t have to deal with it, I mean wouldn’t you rather not feel those yucky uncomfortable feels right? Wrong it is making it worse, we are repressing this trauma and compounding it for dealing with it later in life is only going to make it harder…..

So insert tools that can actually work and help us, and this is a big one. Psychedelics, yeah it’s not such a hush hush topic
anymore, but with the rise of people using it can this sacred tool be used as a coping mechanism rather than a healing plant ally?

I do feel very compassionate and believe these plants can help us, but it is us who has to choose to do the hard work. There is no miracle plant, no pill that can take away the pains. Here is my thoughts from spirit. The plant medicine sets it up so you can connect the dots. You can then choose the path of doing the difficult healing journey or you can keep going to weekly retreats continuously using the plant medicine as a coping mechanism just as one would with toxic substances.

At the end of the day your the magic pill, you and you alone are the only one who can heal yourself. Plant medicine is amazing for helping connect the dots,

I have in my own personal journey found this to be profound in some cases. It when we get out the pen and paper and start writing, start sitting and listening to ourselves as we have access to some amazing answers.

As psychedelics are becoming more known and used and it is a matter of time before it is legal everywhere this is my fear that people don’t actually do the work that the plants have set you up to heal with. So ask yourself are you doing the work? Or are you back on the trauma hampster wheel? Stop running and start doing the work, cause trust me when we truly face our shadow side, do the hard work and come out the other end… we can face the world in a new beautiful light. We are then able shed all the deadweight of past traumas, that at the end of the day we are the ones who chose to carry in the first place.

My hope is that we as a society can see how these medicines have the ability to heal but only if we let go and let them in without fear….


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